Thursday, January 14, 2016

Luke came back

Hello everyone!
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a memorable celebration with your family and friends. I’d love to hear about your New Year’s resolutions!

Let me tell you my New Year’s resolutions because I figure if I announce my resolutions to everyone, I will have to stick to them. So anyways, here goes.
1.      Be proud of myself, and not ashamed of how others see me.
Until last year, I tended to compare myself to others which made me feel miserable because I felt other people had a brighter life than mine in Japan. But, thanks to the experience I had in Football BC, I realized what I have been doing is exactly right on track. Therefore, I will believe in myself this year.
2.      Take initiative and challenge myself to make my dreams come true.
This is one of most difficult things for everybody to do because people do not want to take any risks, make mistakes and get involved in difficult situations and they try to find an easier way. But, I will try to take on challenges positively and not always look for someone’s approval or consent. That’s because I learned that trying something is better than not trying even if I don’t get the results I want.
3.      Get over 950 out of 990 on TOEIC
(An English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment)
This examination is highly respected in recruiting and promoting by international companies located in Japan. If I get the score I want, I can prove to them the efforts I have put in as well as my strong English skills because the percentage of people who get over 950 is less than five percent. I understand it’s easier said than done but I swear I will put my money where my mouth is.

So, at this point, you must be wondering why I am writing a new blog. I want to announce that I am delighted to come back to Football BC as a special assistant for this month. So, officially, I am not intern Luke anymore. Maybe I need a new title. Any thoughts?
The biggest reason I have this change to work here again even after I finished my contract is because I feel I demonstrated my passion and skills to my supervisor, Daniel. Some people might give up living out their dreams because they don’t feel they are properly rewarded or learn enough even though they work hard. In my opinion, as long as you do your best, someone will definitely notice your efforts sooner or later and this is how you get opportunities. So, please keep it in mind “The only way to fail is to give up.”
One important difference between a job and an internship is that an internship is mainly focused on learning the professional skills and experience necessary to work in a specific role that will prepare you for full-time employment at a future company. In addition, the intern experience is all about learning and training under the supervision of professionals in the field, receiving feedback and constructive criticism along the way. On the other hand, a job may offer a short training period but will typically require you to work independently and to meet deadlines while avoiding mistakes. If you cannot do so, you may be terminated. So, I need to go the extra mile and make efforts above and behind the call of duty because I have more responsibilities than before. However, I am extremely excited to enhance not only my English skills, but also my business skills to be a competent individual.
I really appreciate Football BC being interested in bringing me back and evaluating my skills. I would like to show my appreciation by living up to their expectations while keeping in mind that I learned a lot from it when I was an intern. I believe with my skills and drive, I will be an indispensable team member at Football BC.
I will be a staff member at the 2016 High Roller Football Showdown in Las Vegas next week as a crew to support TEAM BC members. So, I look forward to sharing the experience with you. I hope you continue to read my blog from now. Have a wonderful day.



  1. Luke!! You can accomplish your goals this year. あなたはわたしのすてきな親舊です。I don't know this sentence is correct. I always support you :D -Haein-

  2. Hello Haein,

    I'm so delighted you read my blog and I got a touching message from you. Your Japanese is excellent. What you wanted to say to me was "you are my wonderful friend", right??
    Please keep it in mind that 親友 is correct.
    Please look forward to a next blog.
